Take a Peek

UX design creates tailored experiences that humans connect with. We dig into their world, empathize with their needs, and build things where each interaction is planned just for them.

We solve problems by focusing on user needs.


Why UX?

The UX journey is all about walking a mile in your users’ shoes. It’s transformative for your product and pushes your business forward by making sure the goals you have are met. Curious about why it’s so important? We thought you’d never ask.


What is UX Design?

The UX strategy process forces you to focus on your users’ needs. If they’re unhappy or conversion is clogged up, UX solves problems by ensuring decisions are made for them.


Before you build a masterpiece, you need to understand why you’re building it. UX Discovery unearths the problems you have, aligns us with stakeholder expectations, and lets us formulate a plan for success.


UX Audits check your site’s vitals, uncovering what’s working and what needs some help. It’s like a physical for your site. There’s no “turn your head and cough,” but we do list all the things that need TLC.


Ever wonder what your users are thinking? With user research, we don’t guess; we get right in there. We learn about their wants, needs, and struggles. Armed with a clear view of who your users are, we can build a solution for them.

Information Architecture

Navigating your site shouldn’t be a wild goose chase. With solid information architecture, we set the stage for a clear, intuitive journey. When page names and organization align user actions and content, users move seamlessly.

UI Design

In the world of UX/UI design, it’s not just about looking good – it’s feeling right. “Design’” is just another word for “a plan that solving problems,” after all. Through research, we weave together interfaces that delight, direct, and win.

User Testing

It’s the users’ world; we’re just designing it. With user testing, we get their reactions and gather insights straight from the source. Why launch and hope for the best? It’s better to test and make the site perfect from day one.

Plus way more services like...

Spec Documentation
Tree Testing
Design Systems
User Flow Diagrams
Component Libraries
A/B Testing

[36] was impressive from the jump. The team understood our voice and place in the market and crafted fresh & creative ways to breathe new life into our brand. They’ve quickly become an extension of our team and we really value the seamless back and forth that moves our projects forward efficiently.

Erin HeardHead of Global Communications @ Loomis Sayles

How 36 does 

Each client story is different, and we tweak our approach to match. A typical process involves getting to know your users, crafting solutions tailored for them, testing to see if we’re hitting the mark, and iteratively making our work better.


User Experience Work

A few examples of how we’ve made users fall in love.

Never forget who your product or site is for. It’s not for you or your stakeholders. It’s for your users.

Robin Funk
Robin FunkSenior UX Strategist @ 36

Our UX team

Our user advocates never assume, skip their research, or prioritize their egos over user needs (which can be hard).

Quick Bio

Sun’s out, guns out.

Rob Widdick

Robin Funk
Quick Bio

he is delightfully canadian.

Robin Funk

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Need some UX help?

Reach out to Rob

Got questions about UX with 36? Give Rob, one of our partners, a ring.

Or Drop your details in this form. He’s all ears.


Frequently asked questions

Hey you!

Did you say SHOPIFY?! We can help with that.